The Ultimate Guide to Root Canal Therapy: What It Is and How It Works

by | Apr 19, 2023 | Root canal therapy


Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that often strikes fear in patients’ hearts. But did you know that it can save your teeth from extraction and alleviate pain caused by infection? If you’re curious about what root canal therapy entails and how it works, look no further! In this ultimate guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about this standard dental treatment so you can feel confident in making informed decisions about your oral health. So get ready to say goodbye to root canal anxiety – let’s dive in!

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a surgical procedure used to treat an infected or necrotic tooth. The root canal is a small, hollow space inside the tooth that extends into the jawbone. Infection and decay can cause the tooth to become soft and swollen, resulting in severe pain. In addition, a root canal may be necessary if the disease has spread beyond the tooth’s surface and into the pulp chamber (the tooth’s center). Root canal therapy aims to remove all of the infected material and restore the tooth’s structural integrity.

Types of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a dental treatment that helps correct problems with teeth’ roots. The root canals are drilled into the tooth and then treated with a solution to remove the damaged tissue. This treatment is often necessary when the tooth is infected or severely damaged.

How Does Root Canal Therapy Work?

Root canal therapy cleans and removes decay and inflammation from the roots of teeth. The root canal procedure begins by opening the tooth’s pulp (nerve) using a unique drill tool. The drill is then fitted with a small tube called a cannula. This tube is inserted into the opening in the pulp and used to withdraw purified water, which cleans and cools the area around the root.

Once the area is clean, a specialist will use a syringe to dispense local anesthetic into the pulp. The anesthetic numbs the site so that pain can be reduced during the rest of the procedure. The dentist then uses a metal digging tool to create tiny holes around the root. Next, they use another metal tool to remove decay or debris around the heart.

How to Prepare for Your Root Canal Treatment

If you want a root canal treatment done, you should do a few things in advance to make the experience as comfortable and successful as possible.

 Here are some tips on how to prepare:

  1. Make an appointment with your dentist. If you have dental insurance, ask your provider if they will cover the cost of the root canal treatment. Otherwise, you can find a discounted price through a referral program or a discount code found online.
  2. Get paperwork ready. You must bring documentation such as your health insurance card, driver’s license, and social security card to the appointment. Your dentist will also require proof of residency (a utility bill or deed).
  3. Arrive with clean teeth and gums. If possible, avoid drinking coffee and eating acidic foods before your appointment – these can irritate your tooth enamel and lead to more dental problems. Also, keep any dentures or partial dentures out of your mouth until the procedure is completed; they may interfere with x-rays or dental impressions taken during the root canal therapy session.
  4. Bring a pillow for support during the procedure. This is especially important if you are experiencing pain relief medications at home before arriving at the office; these medications can cause drowsiness and impair coordination later in the treatment process.


If you are ever in a situation where you need root canal therapy, this is your ultimate guide. Root canal therapy is an essential oral health procedure that can help save the teeth of people at risk for dental decay. This guide will teach you everything there is to know about root canal therapy, from benefits of the procedure to what to expect before, during, and after your appointment. If you need more clarification on whether root canal therapy is right for you, read our guide and make an informed decision.
