The Science Behind Mouthguards: How They Prevent Injuries

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Dental Care

Mouthguards are commonly used protective devices that help prevent injuries to the mouth, teeth, and jaw during sports and other physical activities. They are designed to absorb and distribute the force of impact, reducing the risk of dental trauma. In this blog post, we will explore the science behind mouthguards and how they effectively prevent injuries, ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes and individuals engaging in high-risk activities.

1. Understanding the Mechanics of Impact:

   When a force is applied to the mouth and jaw, it can result in various types of injuries, such as broken teeth, jaw fractures, and soft tissue damage. The impact can also lead to concussion or traumatic brain injury. Mouthguards act as a protective barrier, absorbing and dissipating the energy from the impact, thereby reducing the severity of injuries.

2. Shock Absorption and Force Distribution:

   Mouthguards are typically made from resilient materials that can absorb and disperse the forces generated during impact. They act as a shock absorber, cushioning the teeth and jaw against direct blows. By distributing the force over a larger surface area, mouthguards help to minimize the concentrated pressure that can lead to dental and jaw injuries.

3. Protection against Tooth Fractures and Displacements:

   The design of a well-fitted mouthguard helps to stabilize and protect the teeth from fractures and displacements. It provides a buffer zone between the upper and lower teeth, reducing the risk of direct contact and subsequent dental trauma. Additionally, mouthguards create a barrier that can prevent the teeth from clashing together, mitigating the chances of fractures and other injuries.

4. Preventing Soft Tissue Injuries:

   Mouthguards not only safeguard the teeth but also help prevent injuries to the soft tissues inside the mouth. The cushioning effect of the mouthguard can minimize lacerations, bruising, and damage to the lips, tongue, and cheeks. By creating a barrier between the teeth and the soft tissues, mouthguards offer added protection against accidental bites and injuries during impact.

5. Custom-Fitted Mouthguards:

   While over-the-counter mouthguards provide some level of protection, custom-fitted mouthguards offer the highest level of effectiveness and comfort. Custom-made mouthguards are specifically designed based on an individual’s dental structure and bite, ensuring a precise fit. This close fit enhances the mouthguard’s ability to absorb and distribute forces, offering optimal protection against injuries.


Mouthguards are essential protective devices that play a crucial role in preventing dental and jaw injuries. By absorbing and distributing the forces generated during impact, mouthguards help reduce the risk of fractures, displacements, and soft tissue damage. Custom-fitted mouthguards provide the best fit and offer superior protection, ensuring maximum safety during sports and high-risk activities. By understanding the science behind mouthguards and their role in injury prevention, individuals can make informed decisions to prioritize their oral health and well-being. Whether you are an athlete or someone engaged in physical activities, wearing a mouthguard is a wise investment in protecting your teeth, jaw, and overall oral health.
