The Impact of Gum Disease Treatment on Sleep Quality

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Gum Disease Treatment

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Well, what if we told you that the solution may lie in treating gum disease? That’s right! In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the impact of gum disease treatment on sleep quality. Prepare to be amazed as we uncover the surprising connection between your oral health and those precious. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a bedtime story like no other – one that will leave you dreaming of healthy gums and uninterrupted slumber.

Understanding Sleep Quality and Gum Disease Treatment

It is well known that poor sleep can lead to a number of negative health consequences, including an increased risk for chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. However, the impact of sleep on overall health is still not fully understood. A new study has found that treating gum disease may improve sleep quality, and in turn, overall health.

Gum disease is a common condition caused by the build-up of plaque on teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums and can lead to inflammation, bleeding gums, and tooth loss. Gum disease has been linked to a number of other health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

The new study looked at the effect of gum disease treatment on sleep quality in a group of adults with mild to moderate gum disease. The participants were randomly assigned to either receive gum disease treatment or no treatment. The researchers measured the participants’ sleep quality using standard sleep questionnaires before and after the study period.

The results showed that those who received gum disease treatment had significantly improved sleep quality compared to those who did not receive treatment. The improvements in sleep quality were seen in both objective measures (such as time spent awake during the night) and subjective measures (such as self-reported sleep quality). These results suggest that treating gum disease may have positive impacts on sleep quality and overall health.

The Relationship Between Gum Disease and Sleep Quality

When you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, plaque and bacteria can build up in your mouth, leading to gum disease. Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can cause tooth loss, pain, and other serious health problems. People with gum disease are also more likely to have poor sleep quality.

Poor sleep quality can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest, which can impact your overall health and well-being. People with gum disease often have difficulty sleeping due to the pain and inflammation associated with the condition. In addition, people with gum disease are more likely to snore, which can disrupt sleep for both them and their bed partners.

Treating gum disease can help improve sleep quality by reducing pain and inflammation. In addition, quitting smoking, which is a risk factor for gum disease, can also help improve sleep quality. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest, talk to your dentist about ways to improve your oral health and get the treatment you need for gum disease.

How Does Gum Disease Treatment Affect Sleep Quality?

It is well-known that poor sleep can lead to a host of health problems, including an increased risk for gum disease. Conversely, treating gum disease has been shown to improve sleep quality. One study found that treating periodontal disease led to significantly improved sleep quality in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The study’s authors believe that the improved sleep quality is due to the reduction in inflammation caused by treating gum disease.

In addition to improving sleep quality, treating gum disease can also lead to better overall health. Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss, and it has been linked to other serious health conditions like heart disease and stroke. By treating gum disease, you can help reduce your risk for these other conditions and enjoy better overall health.

What Types of Treatments for Periodontal Disease Exist?

There are a number of different types of treatments for periodontal disease, each of which can have a positive impact on sleep quality. One of the most common treatments is scaling and root planing, which involves the removal of tartar and plaque from the teeth and gums. This procedure can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the gums, both of which can interfere with sleep. Other common treatments include antibiotics, which can help to kill bacteria that cause gum disease, and laser therapy, which can help to remove damaged tissue and promote healing. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat severe periodontal disease. This type of treatment typically involves the removal of infected tissue and the placement of artificial grafts to improve gum health.

How to Improve Sleep Quality After Periodontal Treatment

It’s no secret that poor sleep can lead to a host of health problems. But did you know that your oral health can also play a role in how well you sleep? Studies have shown that people with gum disease are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.

If you’ve been treated for gum disease, there are some things you can do to help improve your sleep quality:

Follow your dental hygiene routine.

This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash.

Quit smoking

Smoking is a major risk factor for both gum disease and sleep apnea. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your oral and overall health.

Treat any underlying medical conditions.

If you have any other medical conditions that could be contributing to your sleep problems, be sure to work with your doctor to get them under control.

Use a humidifier at night.

Dry air can irritate your gums and make them more susceptible to infection. Using a humidifier in your bedroom can help keep your gums healthy and hydrated while you sleep.


Gum disease is a serious condition that can have far-reaching consequences if left untreated. Fortunately, with the right gum disease treatment plan in place, you can improve not only your oral health but also your sleep quality. A variety of treatments are available to address this issue, from scaling and root planing to laser therapy and even antibiotics. With the help of your dentist or periodontist, you should be able to find the perfect solution to help you get a restful night’s sleep every night.

