Surgical Precision: When and Why Wisdom Teeth are Extracted in Pieces

by | Jan 10, 2024 | Tooth Extraction

The extraction of wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure, often necessitated by issues such as impaction, crowding, or improper growth. In some cases, the surgical approach involves extracting wisdom teeth in pieces, a method that requires precision and expertise. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this approach and the situations in which it becomes a necessary solution.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Extraction:

Anatomy of Wisdom Teeth:

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in the late teens or early twenties. Due to limited space in the jaw, these molars can become impacted or grow at odd angles, leading to complications.

Traditional vs. Sectional Extraction:

While traditional wisdom teeth extraction involves removing the tooth in its entirety, sectional extraction involves dividing the tooth into smaller pieces for removal. This approach is often chosen when the tooth is difficult to access or poses a risk of complications during extraction.

When Sectional Extraction is Necessary:

Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Impacted wisdom teeth are a common reason for sectional extraction. When a wisdom tooth does not fully erupt, it can become trapped beneath the gum line, making it challenging to extract as a whole.

Complex Root Structure:

Wisdom teeth can have intricate root structures that may extend close to nerves or sinuses. Sectional extraction allows for careful removal of each segment, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding structures.

The Precision Process:

Pre-operative Assessment:

Before opting for sectional extraction, a thorough pre-operative assessment is conducted. This includes imaging such as X-rays to evaluate the tooth’s position, roots, and surrounding structures.

Surgical Planning:

Precision is paramount in sectional extractions. Surgeons carefully plan the division points to ensure efficient and safe removal. This planning reduces trauma to the surrounding tissues and facilitates a smoother recovery.

Benefits of Sectional Wisdom Teeth Extraction:

Reduced Trauma:

Sectional extraction minimizes trauma to the surrounding tissues, resulting in less post-operative discomfort and faster healing.

Lower Risk of Complications:

The precision involved in sectional extraction reduces the risk of complications, especially in cases where the tooth’s position makes a whole extraction challenging.


When it comes to wisdom teeth extraction, especially when performed in sections, precision is key. This method is meticulously planned to tackle various challenges such as impaction, intricate root formations, or restricted access. By grasping the rationale and advantages of this technique, patients can undergo the procedure assuredly, trusting skilled professionals with their oral well-being. If you’re considering wisdom teeth extraction, seek guidance from a Dentist in Garland or a Family Dentist. They can assess your circumstances and recommend the most appropriate approach, including gum disease treatment or procedure dental implants, tailored to your needs.
